202215 Jun

Zoovu lands $169M to drive online product discovery experiences – TechCrunch


Being a service software vendor, HiverHQ isn’t exactly a neutral party, but it’s one data point among many that operations — particularly customer retention — are more difficult now compared to the start of the pandemic. To address the challenge, Svetlana Hollerer, Markus Linder, and Martin Schliefnig co-founded Zoovu, a platform for managing “product discovery” experiences across digital channels like apps and websites. “Our AI platform helps people discover information online to make better decisions so businesses can improve sales and increase long term customer satisfaction,” CEO Rob Mullen said. “A data-driven executive can track and analyze the impact that Zoovu’s product has on metrics like sales, conversion rate, insight on search terms, average order value, pricing preferences, cart abandonment and returns. These metrics increase operational efficiency through automated enrichment and Zoovu’s learning algorithms, which reduces manual effort, enhances marketing and SEO strategies, and influences,” Mullen said.

Source: Techcrunch


Mar 03 2022

