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ISVWorld Hot 250 companies

ISVWorld ranks all ISVs per main segment its Taxonomy to identify the 250 hottest companies per segment, ranked by “Hot Score”. This ranking is refreshed every month and is a blended rank based on the following data:

  • ISVWorld Growth Score©: ISVWorld calculates 6 month and 12 month historic growth as well as short term and long term projected growth scores per ISV. These scores are corrected for size and result in a single growth score per ISV.
  • ISVWorldScore©: A blended score per ISV of growth scores above as well as portfolio profile, alexa data, login volumes and more.
  • ISVWorldNews Score©: looks at news frequency for the ISV over last 3, last 6, last 12 and last 24 months.
  • ISVWorldFunding Score©:Looks at the number of funding rounds, the total aggregated funding amounts, the typeof funding rounds, measured over last 3, last 6, last 12 and last 24 months.

Segment Demographics

Recent News

Funding Rounds Graphs

Date Type Raised
202103 Jun
Seed $250K
202117 Mar
Series A $30M
201714 Jun
Series C $41M
201730 Mar
Others $125M
201728 Feb
Series B $7M
201402 Jun
Series A $10M
Total Value