201922 Mar

Four Data Center Tech Startups Got Big-Money Love in March


The largest of the four deals was Portworx’s $27 million Series C round, which attracted not only VC capital from Sapphire Ventures and Mubadala Investment Company but also money from old-guard tech giants Cisco, HPE, and NetApp. Last time we talked with VPS CEO Steve Houck, he said Uber, SAP, and Equinix had been test-driving the solution in their data centers. The Series B round was led by CUI Global, VPS’s publicly traded partner that builds the hardware for its power-management solution. The Series A takes things to a whole new level for the startup, whose founders told VentureBeat that they had only raised $1.5 million before this latest round. Its CEO Philippe Babin is eyeing nothing less than a “multibillion-dollar opportunity” in upending the switching technology for data centers, telco access networks, and 5G, according to a statement.

Source: Datacenterknowledge


Mar 17 2019

