202128 Sep

Investment Notes: Joyous NZ$15m Series A


Over the last 5 years there has been a significant shift in the market for employee feedback, with companies moving away from one-off initiatives and instead wanting a more continuous stream of data being collected as opposed to surveys being filled in every 6-12 months. Looking to fill the gap in the market and vastly improve the quality and possibilities of employee feedback, co-founders and brothers Michael and Philip Carden founded Joyous. Taking a markedly different approach from anonymous, survey-based, tools, Joyous’ feedback is owned, centred around business outcomes, focused on small, actionable areas, and made available all over the organisation - not just at the top. Founder and co-CEO, Mike Carden previously founded Sonar6, a cloud based talent management solutions company focused on the small business market and has also been an active chair at Promapp and customer experience platform, AskNicely. Mike leads Sales and Marketing at Joyous and is an engaging storyteller who is passionate about the change he’s making in the world and insightful about different types of employee feedback.

Source: Squarepegcap


Sep 28 2021

