202403 Apr

AgentHub: A no-code platform for automating workflows with AI


After experiencing the shortcomings of autonomous AI agents, weve been on a mission to make AI powered automations cost-effective, reliable and intuitive for anyone to build.AgentHub is a platform that lets builders drag, drop, and connect modular components onto a canvas to automate manual and repetitive employee workflows end-to-end.The platform gives builders the tools and infra to operate at 10x the speed of writing, testing, and productionizing code.Try out some of our prebuilt automations for inspiration: GitHub PR Description Inserter: Reads all the changes in your pull-request and adds a point form description in seconds. Daily Stock Report Generation: Generate a 1-page PDF report on the recent trends of specified stock tickersWhy We Built ItMost companies have extremely manual tasks that employees do hundreds or thousands of times per month. We quickly realized that people were using the platform to try and automate incredibly niche/complex tasks but autonomous agents were simply too unreliable and expensive. Our key insight was that when automating these types of workflows, you really want to minimize the use of AI, and keep it to just the core reasoning component of the workflow.AgentHub automations are generally 90% infrastructure and 10% AI resulting in increased consistency and reliability, while being economically efficient at scale.We are constantly working to add more integrations and operations to the platform. Booking a meeting with me for a demo, building a custom solution for your business, or any feedback on the product!

Source: Ycombinator


Apr 03 2024

