202306 Jun

Hyper raises $3.6M from Amazon and others for iPhone VTuber avatar platform.


VTubers have taken the online world by storm, with their motion-capture-powered manga- and anime-inspired avatars attracting millions of viewers and lucrative sponsorships. Hyper aims to replace the typically fussy set-up of motion capture suits, costly computer and camera equipment and software and bandwidth overhead with a much lighter approach of just an iPhone and an app. Meanwhile, developments like the launch of Apples Vision Pro headset are bound to change the goalposts again when it comes to what consumers expect out of digital interaction, opening the door to more possibilities for companies creating digitally-native content and the tools to build more of it. Hyper Online has the potential to accelerate and expand the content creation landscape, said Dan Abelon, Partner at Two Sigma Ventures, in a statement. We know creators are really interested in easy-to-use solutions, and Hyper is dedicated to providing the best mobile tools for this new format.As of 2020, it was estimated that there were around 10,000 VTubers active online.

Source: Globalvillagespace


Jun 27 2023

